AWeber RSS to Email

I've touched on using email previously with Using Email to Drive Traffic to Your Site in chapter five, and I can't emphasize the importance of email.

Simply put, using the RSS from my site(s) to automatically generate email newsletter for my subscribers is one of my biggest traffic sources.

RSS to Email

The great thing about reaching your audience by email is that they have double opted-in to receive your email, so they're genuinely interested in consuming your content.

Now it's up to you to deliver.

The cool thing about RSS to email with AWeber is that you can set up automatic email newsletters to feature excerpts from your posts, and when your subscribers click to read more, they are back on your site.

I explained back in chapter five how you can set up RSS to email with AWeber.

So take a look there to set up your RSS and enable more people to make their way to your site(s) from email.


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